A happy New Year to all readers of this news page. May 2025 bring us success in ending wars, building economies that serve people’s needs and addressing the impacts of climate change!

Last Saturday, 28th December, Pope Francis gave the Thought for the Day on BBC’s Radio 4. He wished listeners “peace, fellowship and gratitude” for the new year and emphasised the importance of humility. It was a star turn.

 It was a message, above all, of hope and kindness. “Even though we do not know what tomorrow may hold for us, we should not look to the future with pessimism and resignation”, he said. “Wars, social injustices, and the many forms of violence we are exposed to every day should not dishearten us nor draw us towards scepticism and discouragement….We choose love and love makes our hearts fervent and hopeful. Those who love, even if they find themselves in uncertain situations, always view the world with a gentle gaze of hope.”

 And he described kindness as a “form of love that opens hearts to acceptance, and helps us all to become more humble”. He added: “How important humility is. Humility lends itself to dialogue, helps to overcome misunderstandings and generates gratitude.”

 Maybe these two words, hope and kindness, should be our fellow travellers in the year to come, as they lie at the heart of our faith – hope to help us to look forward with a positive expectation and kindness to ensure that all the good that we find in this world we can share with others.

 Celebrate the New Year with a wonderful song from Abba, here. It is about a world of hope where “every neighbour is a friend”.

 Read the full story here.