Be Part of the Change
How you can support St George's
St George’s Chaplaincy is self-supporting
Our work is made possible through the guidance of the Holy Spirit
and the generosity of our congregation, visitors and supporters
Details below of our Planned Giving Scheme and how to join it,
plus other financial and non-financial ways of supporting St George’s
Please give generously. Thank you!
Your Generosity Matters
Video by Fr Louis
I am Fr Louis Darrant, Anglican Chaplain in Málaga and Parish Priest of St George’s Church.
During the three years that I have been here, I have been so impressed by the quality and diversity of our congregation. Who would have thought we could have xxxxxxx all in one church.
Over the past three months we have been making plans for a 5 year Mission Action Plan. As a result I believe we now have a strong sense of purpose and a vision for the growth of our congregations. What we now need is sufficient faith in our future that we are bold enough and generous enough to match our giving to the demands of a growing Chaplaincy, and invest in our future.
So I am inviting you to be part of that change. If you feel able to come and support us, by joining our planned giving scheme, or for existing members to increase your giving – or giving in some other way, for example volunteering – it would help to pave the way for us to be a more effective church presence and community outreach.
On this page of our website you will find details of the different ways, financial and non-financial in which you can support the church.
Thank you. Thank you for every gift you are able to make. Every amount makes a difference and is very much appreciated
Be Part of the Change
Our Current Position
Financial Situation 2023
This is What We Spent
In 2023 the Church ran on €62k, which we spent like this
Ministry €39k
Services, Comms, Admin €10k
Church building €4k
Diocese €6k
Donations €3k
Financial Plan 2024
What We Plan to Spend
In 2024 increased donations, building repairs and better comms will raise our spend to €67k
Ministry €40k
Services, Comms, Admin €11k
Church building €5k
Diocese €6k
Donations €5k
Resources We Need
What We Need to Raise
In 2023 our congregational giving raised €27,228 or €524 per week
In 2024 we need to increase that to €34,000 or €654 per week
That’s €130 more per week. Every week
Can you help us reach that figure?
Download Annual Report
Be Part of the Change
Planned Giving Scheme
Overview of the Scheme
How Members Support the church
Scheme members make a commitment to donate a regular sum for a period of time. This helps the church as it means we can predict our income and use the money to better effect.
Most members give monthly by bank transfer.
At the end of the year they receive a certificate from the church so the sum given can be offset against tax.
Download Brochure
Join the Scheme
Would you consider joining?
In order to join the scheme, you need to:
- Complete a Confidential Response Card, and
- Set up a Bank Transfer
These can both be done online.
Click Here to Join Up
Scheme Members Area
Dedicated area with Password access
Members of the planned giving scheme can use this dedicated Member Area to amend the amount they pay and its frequency, update their bank details and view recent information & updates.
Access Members Area
Be Part of the Change
Other Ways to Give
Donating a Different Way
Donating outside the giving scheme
Would you prefer to give to the Church outside of the planned giving scheme? If so, here are 3 other ways of contributing financially:
- Making a one-off gift
- Regular Sunday giving, by cash or card
- Donating to a specific activity
Click here to Start Giving
Other Types of Support
Non-financial giving
Another way to support the Church is with your skills, time and interests. We are always looking for people to join our teams of volunteers who carry out various roles within the church.
If you would like to get involved, click below to see volunteer roles that we are looking to fill
Volunteer roles available
Leaving a gift in your will
Would you consider leaving a legacy to the church in your will? It is a way of thanking God for all you have shared with us here and a lasting contribution to the church’s heritage.
Click below to see our legacy policy. See too:
Download Legacy Policy
Let Us Pray
Heavenly Father,
thank you for the gift of life, love and you
Help us to be generous in return, and support our church
as it seeks to serve you and proclaim the Gospel afresh to each generation.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Frequently Asked Questions
Does St George’s get any government funding?
Answer: No. The church is entirely self-funding, with occasional support from our Diocese, though we also contribute to the Diocese for clergy salaries, pensions, training & central diocesan costs. The biggest contributor to our 2023 income was fees and sundry donations, and the only grant or state income of €993.60 was for xxx. More details are given in the Annual Yearbook 2023, which can be downloaded from xxxxxxx
What does the Bible say about giving?
Answer: In the Old Testament, giving took the form of tithing, which meant giving to the whole community – for the Temple, religious festivals and those in need – more akin to an early tax system. This was based on Leviticus 27:30, which said: “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord”, and was specified in Deuteronomy 14:22 as “a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.” Tithing was distinct from any personal offerings, which were given to the Temple by individuals as a thanksgiving. In the NT the focus shifted to the Christian community itself. Members shared what they had, as summarised in Acts 2:44-45: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” And in 2 Corinthians 9: 7:7, Paul makes clear what he considers to be the right attitude to giving: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
How much should I give?
Answer: It is probably a misunderstanding of the Biblical narrative to suggest we should reapply the 10% tithing rule from Deuteronomy to our churches today: it was never intended for a religious institution within a secular state. Rather Christian giving is about our response to the gifts that we have received from God. Clearly we should seek God’s guidance as to how we use his gifts to us. And that means that how much we give is a thoughtful, prayerful decision for each one of us. Love is generous, love is kind and love is selfless. It is about being the people that God wants us to be.
How do I know that the money is being properly managed?
Answer: As a beneficial society, registered under Spanish law, St George’s is required to have in place robust governance processes, which include the publication of accounts and the appointment of an external and independent auditor. The Annual Yearbook gives detailed figures and can be downloaded from xxxxxxx
How do we know what our money is being spent on?
Answer: There is an option for members of the church to give to specific projects or activities if they so wish. However the Planned Giving Scheme pays for the core day to day running of the church, which includes such things as liturgical costs, music, staffing, heating & lighting, insurance, building maintenance and hospitality. As explained above, annual published accounts are available and can be downloaded from xxxxxxx., The accounts group income and expenditure under a series of headings, which we intend to be helpful. However specific questions, or breakdowns of these headings, can be raised with our Treasurer at the AGM which takes place in early May each year, when the accounts are presented.
Do I need to alert my bank if I wish to join the Planned Giving Scheme?
Answer: Yes, the bank needs to know if you wish to set up a regular bank transfer to the church. However this can be done via our software system when you join the scheme. If you wish to contact your bank to ensure that everything is in place at their end, then please do so.
What if I default on my commitment?
Answer: We all face unexpected costs from time to time and the church understands this better than most. If as a Scheme member you find yourself in that position, the best thing to do is to make the Giving Recorder aware of the situation. From that point onwards an agreement can be made as to how to proceed from that point.
How do I cancel or change the amount I pay, the frequency or my bank details?
Answer: Our intention is that Planned Giving Scheme members can update the amount they pay, its frequency and any changes of bank details through a dedicated page on this site, where they will also be able to access recent member communications. Until that system is operative, you will need to contact the Giving Recorder via the ‘Ask a Question’ button at the bottom of this page.
What is the card reader for and how do I use it?
Answer: A contactless card reader is available near to the church’s entrance, for use by visitors and regular members of the congregation alike. It would typically be used for single one-off donations, as members of the Planned Giving Scheme would normally give via bank transfer. It would also be available on Sunday mornings as an alternative to the normal plate collection. Contactless giving enables people to give in church in the same way they would in everyday life – using their card. It is not obligatory and we will continue to use the plate for those who wish to give in cash.
Who is responsible for the Planned Giving Scheme?
Answer: Everyday management of the Scheme sits with a Giving Recorder, who in this case is xxxxx??? The Giving Recorder and the Scheme as a whole will be overseen by the Finance Sub-Committee of the Chaplaincy Council. Ultimate responsibility lies with the Chaplaincy Wardens.
What do I do if my donation doesn’t go through or the wrong amount is deducted from my bank account?
Answer: Contact the Giving Recorder via the ‘Ask a Question’ button at the bottom of this page.
I am interested in joining the Planned Giving Scheme but I would like to talk it through with someone. Who do I contact?
Answer: The Giving Recorder can make someone available to explain the scheme to you. Contact them through the ‘Ask a Question’ button at the bottom of this page.