Do you feel called to support the Chaplaincy by occasionally taking a service in church? Or would you like to understand a bit better what we are doing when we worship?

We will shorty begin a short online course for those who want to understand liturgical worship for the first time, and for those who love liturgy, but wish to take a fresh look at it, or indeed to learn to lead services as a Congregational Worship Leader. 

Rooted in the belief that worshipping together takes us to the very heart of what it means to be a Christian and to live in the gap between the ‘now’ and the ‘not yet’ of the coming kingdom, the course will explore how structured worship, in its various expressions, forms us in faith and shapes our life in the church and in the world. 

It will trace patterns of worship from biblical times, the origins of the Eucharist and what it means to be intentional about observing times and seasons, reading scripture in church, the words and music we choose and our use of symbols. 

Tuesday 6th August at 6.00pm on Zoom. 

Interested? More info from Fr Louis, by phone on +34 630 909 131 or here