Our God is a Generous God
How you can respond to God's generosityFeast of Christ the King
The Feast of Christ the King, 24th November, is the last Sunday of the church´s year. Next Sunday a new church’s year begins with the season of Advent.
For us as a church it is a perfect time to stop and reflect on the year gone by and the new year to come. What are the things for which we want to give thanks to God? And what could we have done better? How could we make a real difference?
This is also the year in which the level of (regular) giving to the church has started to grow and our finances become more manageable – to the point that we have the opportunity to finish the year with a positive balance. We are not there yet: in fact we are forecasting a modest deficit (€2-3k), but it is small enough that we believe it can be fixed.
Could you help? Would you consider making a small end of year gift to the Chaplaincy, so that we might turn it round and finish the year well? You will find three buttons below where you can make a donation, or become a regular giver, or volunteer to take up a new responsibility within the church. It is that simple.
Thank you for your generosity – of money, skills and time, but also of prayers and fellowship. Together we will build a sustainable future for our church!