Our God is a Generous God

How you can respond to God's generosity

Harvest Thanksgiving

At this time of year we celebrate our harvest and give thanks to God for the blessings of food, comfort and joy.

We live in a country, and a world, with high and increasing rates of agricultural productivity and food yields. And yet global hunger is again on the rise, with one in nine of our fellow human beings undernourished. God has provided so much, but we struggle to share it equitably with others. And so we fail to live the dream of our plenteous harvest.

Generosity is at the heart of our faith. As we acknowledge God’s abundant blessing and provision, so we are called to share that blessing with others.

Part of our response to God’s generosity, is to think seriously about the use of our time, our skills and our money for the work of the church, and our care of God’s creation.

So at this time of year we invite people to make a donation to the church, to become a regular giver through our planned giving scheme, Count Me In, or perhaps to volunteer for one of the unpaid jobs within the church. All of these things you can do using the buttons below. We are deeply grateful to all who are supporting the work of the church.

“We eat while others are hungry, we laugh while others are sad. For what we have we are thankful. Grant us to remember what others have not, and, where we can, to restore it”. (Morris West, Harlequin)

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Heavenly Father,
thank you for the gift of life, love and your Son, Jesus Christ.
Help us to be generous in return, and support our church
as it seeks to serve you and proclaim the Gospel afresh to each generation.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,