How to Donate to St George's
Here are 6 ways of contributing financially
Your Generosity Matters
St. George’s Chaplaincy is self-supporting and is only able to continue because of generous donations from members past and present, visitors and supporters.
We list below 6 different ways to make a financial donation to the Chaplaincy. There is a separate section on Sponsorship and Legacies further down.
There should be a way to donate which suits everybody. But if you cannot find a way that works for you, please contact our Acting Giving Recorder here.
We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the Chaplaincy in any way – by prayer, by giving time or expertise and also through financial support.
Thank you!

Six Ways to Give
1. Card Donation Online
St George`s uses the Stripe online payment system, which enables you to pay directly online using a credit or debit card, or one of a number of popular payment methods.
It is ideal for smaller one-off donations (eg up to €100), but it is better to make larger donations by online bank transfer (see 5 below).
To make a payment to St George’s Church, click here, and overwrite the zeros with the amount you wish to donate, and then press Donations. This takes you to a final screen where can input your card details.
We are grateful for your kind donation.
2. Cash Donation in Church
Churches have traditionally taken a cash collection in the course of their worship.
In the past this was usually enough for the church to function. Today that is no longer the case.
In 2023 the cash collection brought in some €14,500, or 23% of our total income.
As we seek to increase planned giving, we will continue to maintain the opportunity for people to donate in cash during our services.
This is easier for the many visitors to St George’s and represents a significant proportion of our income.
3. Card Donation in Church
St George’s has acquired a Payaz Card Reader/GivingStation, which can usually be found near to the church’s entrance, and is available to visitors and regular members of the congregation alike. For a church like St George’s that has a lot of visitors, this is an ideal way for people to donate.
On the screen are some typical values that people might wish to donate, €10, €20, etc. In order to make your donation, just select and press the button with the sum you wish to give, and follow on screen directions – which ask you to tap your card on the reader on top of the device. See short video here.
4. Planned Giving Scheme
The church’s Planned Giving Scheme, Count Me In, enables members make a commitment to donate a regular sum of money for a period of time. There´s no minimum or maximum sum.
This method is helpful to the church as it means we can predict our income and so use the money to better effect.
Most members give monthly, by bank transfer. At the end of the year they receive a certificate from the church so the sum given can be offset against tax.
To download the brochure, click here. For more information, click here. To join the Scheme, click here.
5. Online Bank Transfer
A transfer from your account can take the form of either a one-off payment to the church or a standing order.
To do so in euros, send to:
Account name: Iglesia Anglicana de San Jorge de Malaga
Bank name: BBVA
Account no. ES8301824109050000013475
IBAN: ES83 0182 4109 0500 0001 3475
To do so in UK pounds, send to:
Account name: Diocese in Europe Fund (specify that the funds are for St. George’s Malaga)
Bank name: Barclays Bank plc
IBAN: GB43 BARC 200605 40317039
6. Using
The Diocese in Europe can receive single or monthly payments this way, using a debit or credit card or Paypal, and direct them to the Málaga Chaplaincy.
Click here and then press the Donate button. The first page then asks for the currency and sum of money, and the second for your card details. Once you press Continue, there is a final page where you can insert a message of support. Here you must type in: Donation to St George´s Malaga.
If you are a UK tax payer, you can choose the Gift Aid option, and boost your donation by 25%.
Sponsors typically give funds to support individual activities or projects within the church, such as a concert or building project.
Sponsorship opportunities are normally arranged on an individual basis.
If you would like a discussion with the Chaplain, Fr Louis Darrant, about current activities which are available for sponsorship, you can contact him directly here.
Would you consider leaving a legacy to the church in your will? It is a way of thanking God for all you have shared with us here and a lasting contribution to the church’s heritage.
View our Legacy Guide here. If you are looking for advice on the various considerations necessary when planning a legacy to a church, you may find this site helpful:
Your first contact at St George’s about leaving a legacy is Fr Louis Darrant, whom you can contact directly here.
Or talk it through?
Would you like a confidential discussion with one of the clergy while deciding what type of donation to make?
Contact Fr Hilary here, and he will set up the meeting for you.