The evangelist Arthur Blessitt, who became famous for carrying a 12 foot cross around the world, has died aged 84, as reported by Premier Christianity.

Arthur was a total one-off. At a coffee house in Hollywood’s Sunset Strip, he nailed a large cross to the wall and used it to engage his customers in conversations about Jesus. And one day, while praying, he was told by God to take the cross down and carry it round the world. Premier Christianity reports his immediate reaction: “If I knew I was going to carry it, I would not have made it so big”.

He then walked from Hollywood to DC, and eventually carried the cross 43,346 miles through a long list of countries, in the hope of having conversations with strangers and telling them about Jesus. According to Premier Christianity, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as having undertaken the world’s longest ongoing pilgrimage.

The article’s author, American Pastor, RT Kendall, tells of his own personal meeting with Arthur Blessitt and how that meeting turned upside down his 25-year ministry at Westminster Chapel in London.

Read the full article at Premier Christianity here.